Costco Management Training Program

2020. 2. 12. 01:53카테고리 없음

  1. Does Costco Have A Management Training Program

If you have a solid work ethic and good people skills, Costco can teach you anything. They take care of their employees better than any other retail company and the environment is great as long as you don't bring drama into the workplace and you are consistent in your work efforts. If you are receptive to feedback and adjust your performance accordingly, Costco has a lot to offer.

However, it is still retail. Aside from ample vacation time and paid holidays off, they are open 7-days per week and you will likely work unconventional hours and weekends throughout your whole career.

In addition to that, staffing is very tight and everyone depends on each other to come to work and give their best effort on a daily basis. A typical work day is complete member service oriented, a person would have to love working with the public. I learned a simple salutation can make or break a persons day. Management can be a fun part of the job if you are properly trained for it.

Workplace culture grooms family values within. Hardest part for some would be getting used to various personalities on a daily basis. Most enjoyable part of the job would be your fellow employees whom you make a life long relationship with from the celebrating birthdays to birth of children to knowing their families on a personal level. I grew up with costco.

I got the job when i was 18. Through blood, sweat, tears, and many years, it forged me into the fine young man I am today. And I mean that. I thought i wanted to get into management, and that's where all my problems started.

I transferred across the country and helped set up a new store. I even went and helped open two more stores.

I was making great money. I was making big moves. I was starting to stack the super visor rotations under my belt.i was on my way to becoming a manager and making even more. But I didn't realize how far away from home I was. I didn't realize my mental health was slowly but surely declining.

The stress of management, all the demands for perfection were wearing on me. Perhaps i wasn't ready for the job, and a manager mistakenly took a chance on me. I didn't realize i would only last for so many years before my soul needed a break. I was dealing with a lot.


Does Costco Have A Management Training Program

An abusive forklift driver, a corrupt manager, and much more. Management was young, inexperienced, and cut throat at the new locations i opened.

Which is rare, because costco usually has good managers that aren't like that at all. Being a supervisor in a new up and coming location was great and exciting on one hand, but hellish on the other. There were so many youngin's trying to make a name for themselves, that it felt like the lawless wild west at times. If only I hadn't gone into management, i cant help but wonder would i still be broken today?

I love costco though. It is such a suportive and healthy culture. And they always try to do the right thing.

I hope i can return someday, if its in my cards. I have a hard time not shopping there. I believe in everything they sell too much. Sincerely, broken ex supervisor.